Akzonobel dividend
Akzonobel dividend date
Dividend history for AkzoNobel (AKZA.AS) | The next Akzo Nobel N. |
About AkzoNobel | In the next dividend payment of Akzo Nobel, scheduled for May 7, , 1,54 euros per share will be paid, reflecting a yield of 2. |
Dividend yield history for AkzoNobel (AKZA.AS) | Update 29 januari Akzo Nobel stelt op de jaarvergadering d. |
▷ Akzo Nobel Dividends 【Calendar 】 | . |
Akzonobel dividend policy
Dividend history for AkzoNobel (AKZA.AS)
- AkzoNobel () - Dividends AkzoNobel is a Dutch paint and coatings manufacturing company. Dividend yield history for AkzoNobel ().
- AkzoNobel () - Dividend Yield Akzo Nobel has an annual dividend of € per share, with a yield of %. The dividend is paid every six months and the next ex-dividend date is Apr 29,
- Investors | AkzoNobel AkzoNobel is a Dutch paint and coatings manufacturing company. AkzoNobel (stock symbol: ) made a total of 63 dividend payments.
- Other pages you might find interesting In the next dividend payment of Akzo Nobel, scheduled for May 7, , 1,54 euros per share will be paid, reflecting a yield of %. What is the last day to buy Akzo Nobel stocks and get .