Akzonobel dividend

Akzonobel dividend date

  • Update 29 januari Akzo Nobel stelt op de jaarvergadering d.d. 25 april voor om over een - ten opzichte van de voorgaande jaren - onveranderd contant dividend uit te keren .
  • Dividend history for AkzoNobel (AKZA.AS)
  • When are the upcoming Akzo Nobel dividends in 2025?
  • Dividend history for AkzoNobel (AKZA.AS) The next Akzo Nobel N.
    About AkzoNobel In the next dividend payment of Akzo Nobel, scheduled for May 7, , 1,54 euros per share will be paid, reflecting a yield of 2.
    Dividend yield history for AkzoNobel (AKZA.AS) Update 29 januari Akzo Nobel stelt op de jaarvergadering d.
    ▷ Akzo Nobel Dividends 【Calendar 】 .
  • Final dividend 2024
  • Akzonobel dividend policy

  • Jan 7,  · The previous Akzo Nobel N.V. (AKZA) dividend was 44¢ and was paid .
  • Akzonobel dividend yield
  • Last Akzo Nobel dividend
  • Dividend history for AkzoNobel (AKZA.AS)

  • AkzoNobel (stock symbol: ) made a total of 63 dividend payments. The sum of all dividends (adjusted for stock splits) is: $ Dividend yield (TTM): % See AkzoNobel .
  • akzonobel dividend
    1. AkzoNobel () - Dividends AkzoNobel is a Dutch paint and coatings manufacturing company. Dividend yield history for AkzoNobel ().
      AkzoNobel () - Dividend Yield Akzo Nobel has an annual dividend of € per share, with a yield of %. The dividend is paid every six months and the next ex-dividend date is Apr 29,
      Investors | AkzoNobel AkzoNobel is a Dutch paint and coatings manufacturing company. AkzoNobel (stock symbol: ) made a total of 63 dividend payments.
      Other pages you might find interesting In the next dividend payment of Akzo Nobel, scheduled for May 7, , 1,54 euros per share will be paid, reflecting a yield of %. What is the last day to buy Akzo Nobel stocks and get .
  • Dividend payments for AkzoNobel (AKZA.AS) from 1999 to 2024
  • Akzonobel dividend yield

  • According to the most recent data as of January , Akzo Nobel paid dividends totaling USD per share within the last 12 months. At the current stock price of USD, this .
  • Akzonobel dividend date