Embase search strategy example
- (PDF) Embase Search Strategy Search strategy used: MEDLINE and EMASE databases were searched using search terms “gallbladder” and “polyp”, excluding case studies and limited to English language papers.
- Drawing up your search strategy - Systematic Reviews - LibGuides at University of Galway Sample EMBASE Search Strategy 1 exp national health insurance/ 2 *health insurance/ 3 *fee/ 4 exp health care policy/ 5 exp health program/ 6 exp health care planning/ 7 exp health .
- Example of search strategy: From Embase Database 1. exp chronic pain/ 2. ("long-term pain" or "long term pain").mp. [mp=title, abstract, heading word, drug trade name, original title, device .
- Key features of Systematic Review search strategies Search Strategy Example (Embase) 1. “africa south of the sahara"/ or angola/ or benin/ or botswana/ or burkina faso/ or burundi/ or cameroon/ or cape verde/ or central africa/ or central .
Embase Search Strategy
How to search in embase
Embase Search Strategy | . |
Expert Searching | . |
Systematic Reviews: Drawing up your search strategy | . |
How to search embase database | . |